Thursday, May 24, 2012

            We cannot ignore holiness.  We cannot ignore our imperative to nurture ourselves toward spiritual wholeness, to find our way to the moral treasures of God.  In truth, if we forget about holiness, we'll always be running, running from ourselves, running from life and, most dangerously, running from God.
            If we forget about holiness, we’ll be like Augustine’s pitiful “restless soul,” the soul that never finds its surcease, its rest, but instead flees, thoughtlessly and unceasingly, from what it really needs most.  It is a soul that will never be able to come to a stop, for it has refused to think about where it is going.  It’s running a race that it can never win.
            Forget about holiness, and you’ll be running for the rest of your life.

                  (Excerpted from Thinking About God by William E. Marsh, 2007)

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