Sunday, April 21, 2013

     "Seek peace, and pursue it," says the psalmist (Psalm 34).  As America and the Western world continue to reel from the recent bombing attacks in Boston, and the surviving suspect in the bombings continues to struggle for life, it becomes ever more important for us to strive to maintain peace among ourselves.  Leading Muslim leaders across the West have openly denounced the attacks and made very clear that they reject the brand of Islam which the bombers appear to have been practicing.  Theirs (the leaders) is an Islam of peace and comity, an Islam which seeks to get along and to take its rightful place among the great religions of the world.  Theirs is a perspective which we all must remember, one that views America as a place open to all manner of religion, a place where people are free to practice whatsoever religion--or lack thereof--they choose (so long as such practice does not descend into violence).  They love Allah as much as Christians love God.
     Besides, Christians who believe all Muslims are violent individuals need look no further than Christians who shoot and kill doctors who do abortions to see hypocrisies--horrific hypocrisies--of their own.  Every religion has its extremists.  Every religion has its excesses.  Every religion is populated with people who are decidedly less than perfect.  No one stands alone in righteousness.
     As Jesus admonished long ago, "Do not judge, lest you yourself be judged."

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