Wednesday, November 20, 2013

     Have you heard of Kilian Jonet Burgada?  A native of Spain, Kilian is a remarkable ski mountaineer and long distance trail runner who, for the last couple of years, has been developing an enviable reputation for his ability to run, seemingly without any effort, mile upon mile through some of the most rugged terrain on the planet.  Those who compete with him find themselves awestruck at his capacity to keep going, hour after hour after hour, as they race along rock strewn trails at elevations routinely exceeding 10,000 feet.  Mountains are no obstacle for Kilian; in fact, he seems to do better on hills and dales than at sea level.
     It may come as no surprise that Kilian's VO2 max is an astounding 92, one of the highest on record.  His lungs have an extraordinary ability to utilize the oxygen they take in.  He rarely seems to even break a sweat.  He can probably outlast a wolf as it lops, day after day, through the mountain high country.
     Why am I talking about Kilian?  Simply to note that despite our spiritual brokenness and existential uncertainty, we humans are capable of extraordinary physical achievements.  Although we will never be as fast as a big cat or strong as a gorilla, we can do remarkable things with our bodies.  Moreover, unlike the other animals, we can also engage in the things of the spirit.  We are more than our bodies, yet we are more than our spirits.  We are both.
     And this, I suppose, is the ultimate wonder, that a being so physical can be so spiritual, that in the human being what we see is so inextricably wedded to and aligned with what we do not.  We, and the universe are more wonderful than what we can imagine, occupying reality physically even while we, through our spirits, wrestle with what is beyond it.

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