Thursday, February 13, 2014

     At the atheist discussion group which I attend once a month, one person made the remark, this week, that, "If I cannot understand something, it cannot be true."  Although he was referring to things supernatural, meaning that if he could not understand them, primarily because he could not see or measure them  and subsequently come to an understanding of them, he therefore had no way to determine whether or not they are true.
     The gentleman makes a legitimate point:  how do we measure something we cannot normally see?  On the other hand, can we always dismiss something as valid or true if we do not fully understand it?  To do so, it seems, would be intellectual arrogance (or myopia).  Yes, asserting the fact of supernatural can seem a befuddling exercise, but we all would acknowledge that this life contains many experiences and things we will never fully understand.  Yet we uniformly believe this life to be true, at least for our time on earth.  And we cannot test everything about it.
     So why not give the supernatural a try?

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