Wednesday, March 19, 2014

     In an interview in the most recent issue of Rolling Stone, well known Microsoft founder and now philanthropist Bill Gates is asked an interesting question.  "Do you believe in God?"
     After expounding on the Western movement away from a mythological to a scientific worldview, Gates said, "But the mystery and the beauty of the world is overwhelmingly amazing, and there's no scientific explanation of how it came about.  To say that it was generated by random numbers, that does seem, you know, sort of an uncharitable view.  I think it makes sense to believe in God."
     However, he adds that, "But exactly what decision in your life you make differently because of it, I don't know."
     Gates hit the nail precisely.  In her 1997 song One of Us, Joan Osborne asked, "What if you could see God?  Then you would have to believe."  Most of us have no trouble believing that some sort of greater force is behind the marvel of creation, as finely tuned and ordered as it is.  Where all of us stumble is when we go about deciding whether this fact or belief should make a difference in how we live.  What does it matter whether God exists?  What difference does it make?
     It's a good question.  If we have any inkling, any inkling or belief at all that there's something/someone bigger than what we see each day, at some point we need to ask it.  What will we do with God?