Friday, July 4, 2014

     For many parts of the world, the month of July is a time for celebration, individual, group, and nation.  July 1st marks Independence Day in Canada; July 4th, Independence Day in the U.S.; and July 14th, Independence Day (otherwise known as Bastille Day) in France.  Also, throughout the month of July, at least this year, Muslims the world over will be celebrating one of their most loved feasts, Ramadan.  Finally, unless you are living in the far southern regions of the world, you are likely enjoying July as the high point of the summer, the month in which the season's warmth and carefree character seem to tumble about and come together, effortlessly coalescing in countless moments of thankfulness and joy.
     As we in the north therefore continue to move through our summer and its many celebrations, and as nature's many creatures and plants, free of the throes of winter, continue to give birth, bloom, and shout at the glory of it all, I send my hope and prayer that we all will find fresh occasion to ponder and consider that from which it has ultimately come:  the love of God.

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