Monday, August 18, 2014

     One of the most frequent responses of Christians to a sin, homosexuality in particular, is to say, "I will love the sinner but not the sin."  So very easy to say, so nearly impossible to do.  What too many people do not seem to understand is that gay people did not ask to be gay.  After some honest analysis, thought, and introspection, they came to find themselves to be so.  It's who they are.
     Those who believe homosexuality to be a sin must remember that gay people are as much people as they, and that their sexual feelings are as evident to them as theirs are to them.  People may not like what gay people do, but they will never be able to fully separate that from who they are.  As I told a friend of mine who recently realized that his favorite niece is a lesbian, that even if he does not share his niece's perspective on sexuality, he should treat her as he would treat anyone else:  with love.
     Love of course is not love without encouragement as well as admonition, and God's love is indisputably bound to and implicit in his holiness, but those who believe themselves to be speaking for God ought to speak carefully.  Understand the demands of scripture, yes, but understand as well that when all is said and done, only God knows a human heart.

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