Wednesday, February 25, 2015

     Art, the nineteenth century Impressionists said, is something close to pure sensation.  And, the twentieth artist and critic of abstraction, Wassily Kandinsky asserted, the way we do art is art in itself.
     What can we take away from these things?  Inherently creative and profoundly emotional beings that we are, we live ultimately according to our experience, an experience that is mediated by our senses.  To do art is to do life, to create experiences, to step into our beingness, and to move away from and beyond our mind.  To live is to be rational, yes, but it is more precisely to understand that, when all is said and done, we are an experience, a highly charged aesthetic experience that all the neurons on the planet will never, in another moment, ever be able to exactly duplicate.
     So did God arrange the construction of existence.  To live is to live as a work of art, a masterpiece of form, experience, and function, to be and pursue steady movement toward deeper existential fulfillment, a movement which finds its final and richest expression in our encounter with God's own, and highly charged as well, existential experience, his taste and inculcation and expression of human existence in the person of Jesus Christ.
     We really can step into the life of God.

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