Tuesday, March 3, 2015

     Most of us have no doubt been thinking about Leonard Nimoy lately.  The famous and enduring "Mr. Spock," Nimoy captured the imaginations of millions of people all over the world.  His character's commitment to rationality and logic, his Vulcan hand sign, his mysterious ways of overpowering those opposed to him, and his endless quest for certainty have touched us all.  They've made all of us think anew about who we are.
     Out of costume, Nimoy was of course as human as the rest of us, emotive, passionate, and creative.  In character, however, it was a different story.  "Trekkies" reveled in his ability to cut through the superfluous and focus on the most important issues at hand.  For him, logic was king.
     Interestingly, this raises a larger point:  are we mind or heart?  Are we more mind than heart or more heart than mind?  Or does it depend on the situation?
     Some people will tell me that they make all their decisions on the basis of reason alone.  Really?  Then we may as well be a brain on a table, a Cartesian talking head. However we want to take the Genesis story of the creation of man and woman, we can at least say it indicates that, in the beginning and, judging by human history since that point, people are as much mind as they are heart.  And we make decisions based on both. We cannot help it.  It is who we are.
     So I say to Mr. Spock, thanks for reminding us of the necessity of rationality and logic. And yet, as one episode of Star Trek showed us, thanks as well for demonstrating that even those have their limits.  It's hard to suppress, much less overcome the heart.  And who would want to?
     God didn't make us robots.  He made us creatures of the heart.

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