Monday, June 1, 2015

     Sandwiched between Mother's Day and Father's Day and, oddly enough, strongly connected to it, is the 31st of May (yesterday).  Why?  In the Hebrew Bible is a book called the book of Proverbs.  It is a compendium of thirty-one chapters of adages, advice, observations, and suggestions about how to live a life marked by intelligence and wisdom. Whether one believes in the validity of the Bible or not, she will likely find at least one point in those thirty-one chapters that she will find useful for living a meaningful life.
     Chapter thirty-one describes what the writer considers to be the person and attributes of an "excellent" wife.  If we can set aside any thoughts or perceptions of chauvinism or misogyny that we might experience when we consider the nature of this characterization, I call our attention to verse 11, which reads, "The heart of her husband trusts in her."
     What does this have to do with Mother and Father's Day?  When a husband trusts his wife, his wife trusts him in return, and when children see their mother and father trusting each other in all the ups and downs of life, they learn that trusting in a trusting mother and father brings them--and all of us--some of the richest love and joy of existence.
     Moreover, trusting each other, parent and more, gives us a window into trusting that from which trust and love ultimately come:  the goodness of God.

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