Tuesday, November 17, 2015

     Several weeks ago, I mentioned that one of my aunts had died.  Over the weekend, I was in Los Angeles, attending a memorial service my siblings and I had organized to remember her.  A number of people came, many of whom spoke wonderful words about Jeanne and the impact she had had on their lives.  We were grateful.
     The following morning, I had opportunity to walk to a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean (we stayed at the home of one of Jeanne's friends, who live not too far from the sea). As I sat on the rocks, gazing at the waves washing effortlessly across the beach far below, I thought about Jeanne again.  I thought about how important her faith was to her. For Jeanne, her faith in Jesus was absolute.  It was the bedrock of her life, the foundation of her experience.  Her faith in Christ informed everything she thought and did.  Every time we talked, she mentioned how crucial her trust in Jesus was to her life.
     Before I bid Jeanne farewell for the last time, I prayed with her.  I prayed for a safe journey, a safe journey to the other side, the other side where she will see, to use Dante's words in his Paradiso, "the universal form, the fusion of all things . . . the Love that moves the sun and stars."  Then I told her, "I'll see you again."  For I know I will.  Though Jeanne is gone from this earth, she lives.  She lives with the Jesus to whom she has devoted her life, the Jesus who held her life and hope together, the Jesus who gave her world form and meaning.  Her faith has become sight.

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