Monday, September 19, 2016

     At the risk of shamelessly advertising myself, I am happy to announce the publication of my fifth book, Memory as Life, Life as Memory:  The Mystery of Memory.  It's available online at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and others.  Below, I present a photo (my apologies for making you twist your neck to get a good view!) of the front cover, and below that, the book's description that appears on the back cover:

     "This is a book about memory, the power of memory, the weight of memory, the presence of memory.  It's about how memory works, and it's about how memory moves and shapes us, deeply and profoundly, every moment of every day.  Most of all, however, it's about how memory points us to some questions that, try as we might, we cannot elude altogether, questions that force us to confront the very nature of existence.
     Suppose that no one, no one at all, remembered us?  Suppose that no one, no one at all, remembered the universe?  How can we make sense of a world that one day will be utterly gone and forgotten?
     Memory makes us speak of things we may not want to accept or understand, thrusts us into things lying beyond what we can picture, imagine, or know.  Twisting itself around our heart and burrowing into our soul, memory stretches us.  It stretches us to ponder purpose, it stretches us to consider meaning.  Memory forces us to think about how unbearably complex we, and this bewildering world, can be if nothing precedes or follows them.
     Memory opens our heart to God."

     I hope you'll take the plunge and read it!


  1. I am looking forward to reading your new book.


  2. Thanks, Richard. Once I get the rest of my complimentary copies, I plan to send you one!

