Monday, September 18, 2017

     What to do about Kim Jong-un?  Despite all the threats the West has lobbed at him, Kim continues to do exactly what he wants to do.  He continues to taunt, he continues to laugh at the forces arrayed against him.  Nothing seems to faze him.
Image result for kim jong un photos     While I do not pretend to have a solution to the dilemma of the North Korean dictator, I do know a little, a very little, indeed, about the ways of God in the human experience. Now God will probably not suddenly rise up and strike Kim down, nor is he likely to bring him to the negotiating table anytime soon.  Like any human being, Kim is a free agent.  A free agent in God's world, yes, but a free agent nonetheless.  He can, and will, do whatever he wants to do.
    So can we.  And therein is the problem.  If both parties can, as free agents, do as they wish, we lapse into utilitarianism: whose happiness is more important?  In this, virtue, virtue as adherence to some sort of universal or transcendent standard, has no place.
     What should we then do?  Again, I do not have a ready answer.  If we remain in our utilitarianism, however, if we remain thinking that we of the West are the most important people on the planet, we will not get to square one.  God is a very big God, and we are a very small people.  Let us let go of who we are and let God be who he can be.

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