Wednesday, July 11, 2018

     Yes!  Despite its many malfunctions, the world really is a good place; and despite their many shortcomings, human beings really are good creatures.  I speak of the recently effected--and internationally observed--rescue of the boys soccer team from a cave deep in the underground warrens of Thailand.  It is a stunning testimonial to the care that humans can have for one another:  people literally traveled from all over the world to help.
Image result for thai soccer team rescue photos     And their efforts were successful, very successful:  everyone who was trapped got out. As the Thai SEALs Facebook page noted, "We are not sure if this is a miracle, or science, or what, [but] all the 13 Wild Boars are now out of the cave."
     Indeed.  Regardless of what forces or agencies that we choose to laud for this remarkable achievement, we can all rejoice.  Life, and God, are good.

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