Wednesday, October 24, 2018

    "I'm worried that I'm not going to be known and if I die no one would know who I am."
     These words of a young woman named Victory who lives in Nigeria, strike to the core of what it is to be human.  We all wish to be loved; we all wish to be known.  We all wish to know that we made a difference.
     And in an empty universe, an unintentional twist of quantum energy and virtual particles, these desires become all the more precious. Even if we are known, even if we feel as if we have made a difference, and even if someone remembers us, we will, as many writers remind us, including Barbara Ehrenreich, whose latest book I mentioned yesterday, one day vanish into nothingness once more.
     And life will go on without us.  It's poignant, it's real, it's tragic.  Although an intentional universe does not guarantee that we will be remembered by our fellow human beings, it does mandate and guarantee that, all things considered, knowing, and all that it comprises, definitively counteracts the fact of eternal nothingness.
     Always, always, love your fellow human beings.

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