Tuesday, March 19, 2019

     After hearing about the horrific mosque attack in New Zealand, I sent an email to a Muslim friend of mine.  I told him that we were praying for him, his family, and their brothers and sisters all over the world.
     In writing me back, my friend thanked me, and noted that he and his wife were headed to Pakistan for about a month to tend to some family business.  I wished him safe travels.  As I sent the email, I thought about how much he and I agree, and yet on how much we still do not see eye to eye.
     Nonetheless, in the face of such unspeakable tragedy, we continue to believe in God.  We know that in a dark and capricious world, God, like it or not, remains the sole bastion of meaning.  Though it is very possible to live meaningfully without believing in God, it is not possible to live without God himself.
     Pray for our Muslim brethren.  And pray for the world.

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