Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Image result for tabby cat photos     A few days ago, my brother and his wife visited us for the weekend.  Early one morning, as my brother and I sat in the kitchen and talked, Summer, our cat, wandered in.  "She's so little," my brother remarked.
     "Yeah," I replied, "only seven pounds.  But seven pounds of remarkable energy and intelligence."
     Each time I look at Summer, I'm amazed at the level of complexity that has been contained in her tiny body.  It's a wonder.  Such a small presence yet a presence with astounding power.  And I ask myself:  why?

     Why, indeed.  Although I believe in the fact of evolutionary processes, I can't evade the next question:  why this way and not another?  What is the point of Summer and her kin?
     There has to be a bigger explanation.

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