Wednesday, May 1, 2019

     We all wonder what lies between the lines, be it the lines of a novel, television show, movie or, bigger picture, the lines our life.  What is our life really about?
<dt class="title">Quickening 21<em>, 2017</em></dt><dd class="medium">mixed media on canvas</dd><dd class="image dimensions"> 36 x 36 inches</dd>    Peter Sacks, an artist and South African emigre to the United States, has for decades been doing art that tries to answer these questions.  Study this painting carefully.  Notice how the longer you look, the more you see, but that eventually even what you see you are no longer sure you're seeing.
     The Japanese novelist Shusako Endo once characterized getting to know God as akin to peeling an onion.  As one penetrates ever more deeply into the puzzle that constitutes God, she is peeling, peeling one layer after another, steadily unfolding the mystery.  Yet the process is endless:  in the end, the onion is still an onion.
     We wonder our life, we wonder about death.  And we wonder about God.  The more we wonder about any of these, however, the more we realize that even when we think we know them, we really do not.
     Real meaning is amazing beautiful, but exquisitely frustrating.

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