Tuesday, July 16, 2019

     Another life?  In my atheist discussion group last week, we talked about life after death.  Although for most of the people in the room the notion of an afterlife was a non-starter, one person wondered, "What will happen to the person who is "me," the person I have come to know as "me" when "I" die?
Image result for Sahara Desert     Most told him that, well, you'll be gone.  There won't be anything to know.  The story will be over.  I suppose so.  But Phil's query prompts other questions in turn:  why do we wonder what happens to us?  Why do we always want to know what we cannot, in this life, know?  What does this say about us?

     Either that we are naturally curious or, alternatively, we really are creatures of eternity.  Or both.  Regardless, we work ourselves into intellectual conniptions if we insist that our longing to know means nothing beyond the simple fact of its existence.

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