Monday, March 30, 2020

     As March draws to a close and the planet continues to reel from the effects of SARS-CoV-5 (its now official epidemiological name), I mention that March is, in fact, Women's History Month.  Why?  For too long, historians tended to overlook women and the role they played in moving humanity forward.  Conditioned by the social nuances of their times, and driven, perhaps, by various levels of male chauvinism, most historians, traditionally male, dismissed the contributions that women have made to the human adventure.
     Happily, this is changing.  If we are to hold that men and women are both made in the image of God and are therefore of equal worth, we err, err seriously, when we ignore, reject, or pass over the many ways that women have shaped human history for its good.  To overlook, deliberately or otherwise, the achievements of women is tragic, really:  we are in truth forgetting the meaning of the framework, physical as well as metaphysical, in which the universe functions.  It's no accident that when the writer of Proverbs 8 described wisdom, he personified it as a woman.  He knew.  He knew that even if we hold that the world has been created by God, we render it existentially meaningless if we fail to acknowledge the full measure of our fundamental humanness.
     Whether you believe in God or not, believe in the worth of every human being.  Celebrate who we are!

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