Thursday, April 9, 2020

     Today is Maundy Thursday.  As we enter into the final days of Lent, the climatic days of Holy Week, we think about service.  Throughot his earthly life, Jesus told people that he had come as a servant.  He had not come to judge, he had not come to condemn; he had come to serve.  Jesus had come to serve his creation.  At the Last Supper (the event which Maundy Thursday commemorates), Jesus made clear that he was readying himself to give himself, to give his body, heart, and soul for the good of those whom he had made.  Even as the final hours of his life loomed, Jesus emphasized that he had come to serve.  His welfare was the last thing on his mind.

Image result for jesus washing disciples feet pictures
     Whether we believe in Jesus or not, we can learn from his example.  The world hardly needs more arrogant leaders.  The planet will do just fine without its rulers constantly striving to dominate one another.  When we, literally or metaphorically, wash one another's feet, as Jesus did at the Last Supper, we affirm the value of our fellow human beings.  We tell our fellow travelers that we regard them as more important than ourselves.  We state to the world that working to sustain everyone is greater than working to sustain oneself only.
     We let go of what we want for the good of others.
     Consider what you have, ponder what you have been given.  And sacrifice.  Give up your wonder, let go of your grace in order to create more of them for your neighbor. Make him/her more important than you.
     And see how you--and the world--changes.

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