Friday, May 1, 2020

1.Mai 2013 (8697603319).jpg     Today is May 1, a day of celebration for the labor movement.  Though many of us, 
ensconsced in the ascendancy of free market capitalism, may abhor or resent the labor movement (and it indeed has its flaws), we cannot deny that, in its earliest days during the Industrial Revolution, the labor movement proved incredibly helpful, even life changing to the workers of the world.  Many of us do not know how it feels to be exploited, severely and harshly, by a management seemingly indifferent to, if not openly angry about worker needs and desires.  Too many people around the planet suffer horribly in this regard, victims of an myopic pursuit of profit at all costs.
     In various writings from the Hebrew scriptures, those of the prophets Amos and Hosea among them, God makes clear that he literally hates such exploitation and greed.  God wants very much for people to be treated fairly.  He wishes for creatures made in his image to treat each other with respect and honor, be it in the halls of government or the machinations of the marketplace.
     Whether you are a worker or manager, take a moment today to remember:  we're all on this planet together, trying to find our way.  We all owe each other the very best.

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