Thursday, August 6, 2020

     Do you wear a mask?  Do you believe that freedom is being able to do exactly what you always want to do?  That you're free to do what you wish so long as you do not harm others?
     Fair enough.  However, the challenge making this assertion is that you become the arbiter of what constitutes harm to others, people most of whom you do not know.
     In writing, many centuries ago, about the right to liberty, John Stuart Mill observed that, absent a government rooted in popular consent, liberty is futile.  We might even go a step further and suggest that, absent a measure of transcendence, liberty is meaningless:  how can we insist that we are free if the world has no point?
     When many decades ago the rock band the Who sang that freedom tastes of reality, whether they knew it or not, they were onto something.  When we make freedom the path to reality, we must also affirm that we live in the shadow of a larger presence.
     Even avowed atheist Jean Paul Sartre acknowledged that if there is no God, freedom is no more than useless passion.  It goes neither forward or back:  it just sits in its own miasma.
     All this is to say:  wear a mask!

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