Thursday, September 3, 2020

    Like perhaps some of you, I am so very weary of hearing about yet another police shooting of a Black person in the United States.  Will it ever stop?

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Leni Riefenstahl

    Though I am reluctant to speak for God, I cannot help but think that, all things considered, he favors life over death.  While the New Testament affirms the necessity of rulers, it also demands that those in power rule justly, and not necessarily according to their own standards of it.  The New Testament looks at the big picture.  It recognizes that, believe it or not, there is a God.  A sovereign God.    We may struggle with divine sovereignty.  I know that I often do.  But I'm not convinced that we would be better off without it.  Sure, it would be a brave new world, but it would be a world in which nothing has any reason to be here, other than it is.

     It would be a world, as Schopenhauer and Nietzsche observed, reduced to will.  Unfettered, dispassionate human will.  Its outcome is perhaps best expressed in British mystic Aleister Crowley's contention that, "Whatever is met."  Whatever you wish to do, do it.

     Is it therefore any accident that Leni Riefenstahl, Adolf Hitler's filmmaker who died at the age of 102, titled her magnum opus "Triumph of the Will"?

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