Monday, November 2, 2020

     Once in a blue mooon?  Historically, the phrase "once in a blue moon" has been used to describe something that would likely never happen.  A blue moon occurs when two full moons appear in a single month.  October 31, Halloween, which she of us remembered last week, marked a blue moon.

Image result for images of the blue moon     Did weird things happen on the blue moon?  Maybe.  Did we feel odd?  Maybe.  Either way, when we celebrate the blue moon, we celebrate rarity.  We laud the ability of our universe to startle and surprise, to offer us something we do not expect to see:  two full moons in one month.
     Some of us might say that God planned these things for our enjoyment.  While I do not discount the activity of God in the cosmos, I would rather say that in creating the universe, God ensured the ubiquity of regularity and the inevitability of the unexpected.  He gave us a universe of surprise and wonder.  We experience this everyday:  there is always something new to find.
     Enjoy the idea of a blue moon.  Enjoy that we live in a universe of abiding purpose.

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