Thursday, June 17, 2021

     As you may know, yesterday, in Geneva, U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a "summit" meeting.  Although very little of substance came out of the meeting, the world at least could see that two of the most powerful nations on the planet deigned to talk with each other.  Biden and Putin may not be the best of friends, but they are communicating face to face.


     Jesus talked about loving one's enemies.  He noted that God's graciousness falls on everyone, that the spring rains and summer sunshine come to everyone on the planet, regardless of how they view God.  We all enjoy the fruits of sentient existence.

     Ultimately, we're all in this together.

     The U.S. and Russia will likely never agree on everything.  Their leaders will probably never be bosom buddies.  It's not a perfect world.  Nonetheless, all parties do well to recognize that, in the big picture, they all live on the same planet and that they have all been created by the same God.

     Distrust?  Maybe.  But hate?  No way.


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