Monday, July 12, 2021

      As I have been regrouping after my trip, I have spent time thinking about the nation of Haiti.  What more can go wrong in that little country?  It's heartbreaking.  In the wake of the assassination of its president, its society is on the verge of falling completely apart.  Food shortages are rampant, and lawlessness reigns.  How unbearably tragic that several hundred miles to the north, most of us in the U.S. are living comfortably and in relative safety, reasonably secure in the government we have elected.  We are so insulated, so very insulated from the pain and terror sweeping through our neighbor to the south.

A mural of the assassinated President Jovenel Moïse near his house in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

     I would say that we should pray, and I do.  But we should also consider how we can help.  There are any number of NGOs on the ground that are trying desperately to alleviate at least some of the hardships rippling across the nation. Even as you think about giving them money to continue their work, pray for them.  God did not make humanity to abandon its own.

     Did the Good Samaritan ask the traveler why he was traveling on such a lonely and unsafe road?

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