Thursday, January 13, 2022

What happened before the Big Bang? | Space

     How curious, and fascinating, it is that, for some unbelievers (or disbelievers), although God does not exist, he in fact, after a fashion, does.  The other night, in my atheist discussion group, after a few years away from doing so, we took time to share our "spiritual" journeys, relating the events and thoughts that had brought us to our current epistemological framework.

    I found one person's observations striking.  After laying out his present point of disbelief in God, he added that, given the presently unresolvable questions about what preceded the Big Bang, he would be willing, given the right circumstances, to describe whatever did precede it as, broadly speaking, God.

    However we frame the world, we need a starting point.  Maybe the twelfth century prelate Anselm was actually onto something.  Perhaps God really is that which we cannot conceive anything greater to be.

    We cannot pretend that we do not need to begin.

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