Thursday, February 24, 2022

     I can barely find words to express my anguish over the horror and tragedy of what is going on Ukraine.  As always happens in war, it is the civilians who suffer the brunt of the pain that conflict creates.  When I look at photographs of Ukrainians huddling in bomb shelters, families dealing with power losses, or parents putting their children on buses to ship them out of the country, I weep:  why must these innocents endure such peril?

A woman reacts as she waits for a train trying to leave Kyiv, Ukraine, Thursday, Feb. 24, 2022. Russian troops have launched their anticipated attack on Ukraine. Big explosions were heard before dawn in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odesa as world leaders decried the start of an Russian invasion that could cause massive casualties and topple Ukraine's democratically elected government. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

    Because an insecure dictator feels that he must flex his military muscles in order to prove to the world that his country is still internationally relevant, thousands and thousands of people, people who are, like you and I do each and every day, just trying to live and let live, are suffering, suffering terribly.  It's not right--in every possible moral sense of the word

    Pray for Ukraine.  Pray for Vladimir Putin.  Pray that this awful conflict will end.

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