Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Eight Patriarchs of the Shingon Sect of Buddhism Nagarjuna Cropped.jpg

     Reality is unknowable and constantly changing, the second century Indian Buddhist Nagarjuna once remarked, and to therefore try to define it, he added, is to misunderstand  it.

    Nagarjuna has a point.  How do we really know what we experience?  Though we can veer between affirming the fact of a God who enables and validates reality and the idea that because reality is entirely accidental, answering such a question is hardly worth our time, either way we may miss the larger issue.

    God or not, we move through a world and cosmos which, despite us using the best instruments of detection and analysis we have, ultimately evade any attempt to really define it.  In the end, we are using what we know to learn what we do not, using the tools we use to define to define what these tools are not equipped to understand.  We are captives of our moment, victims of our humanness.

    In a good way.  At least we know that we are looking.


  1. Hi Dr. Marsh,

    My name is Ian Morrison and I used to be a student of yours at Classical Consortium. I have enjoyed reading some of your blog entries sense I found this page a month ago. I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the discussions we were able to have in class a few years ago and I was wondering how you are doing? I am praying for you.


  2. Hi Ian

    It's good to hear from you! I have fond memories of our time together at CCA and am much encouraged to hear that you enjoyed the discussions we had in class. Many good times, many good times indeed. I am well. I'm still teaching at CCA, still writing, still moving along. I've published another book and a number of essays, have done some traveling, and enjoying our time at our church. Thanks so much for your prayers: you're so thoughtful to remember me. I hope you are well. What are you doing these days? Thanks again for contacting me (and reading my blog :) )!

    Dr. Marsh

  3. He Dr. Marsh,
    I am currently training as a financial planner under my Dad, and finishing up my degree. I also recently got married to my beautiful wife named Hannah who is now pregnant. We are very excited as we wait to welcome out new child into the world in December. Also you may find interesting that Caleb Thomas who was also one of your students is now my brother-in-law. We both talk about our fond memories of your class.

