Tuesday, August 16, 2022

      Have you seen "Thirteen Lives"?  It presents, in a very dramatic way, the 2018 rescue of twelve members of a Thai soccer team who, due to unexpected flooding, found themselves trapped in the Tham Luang Nang Non cave in the Chiang Rai Province of northern Thailand.  Directed by Ron Howard, "Thirteen Lives," among other things, underscores the immense capacity, despite all that we see in the world each day, of human beings to care for each other.  Over 5000 people from all over the globe came to help get the boys, and their coach, out of the cave.  Every boy, and the coach, survived.  (Sadly, two Thai Navy SEALS who were involved in the rescue effort, died, one to asphyxiation, the other to a blood diseases he contracted in the course of the rescue.)

Image result for thai soccer team rescue photos    Whatever else we may say about the evil that people do, we can point to the rescue of the boys and conclude that, without doubt, people still love to love and they still love to be loved.  Moreover, the world, despite its many malfunctions, is a really good place.

    After the rescue, one of the SEALS remarked, "We are not sure if this is a miracle, or what, [but] all of the 13 Wild Boars are now out of the cave."

    Indeed.  Regardless what forces or agencies that we choose to laud for this remarkable achievement, we can all rejoice.  Life, and the God who made it, are good.

    By the way, I'll be traveling for the next week or so.  Talk to you upon my return.  Thanks for reading!


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