Monday, October 31, 2022

     As Halloween, the Celtic Samhain, the night that, in ancient tradition, the spirits and goblins of the inner earth escape, for one bone chilling evening, their chthonic imprisonment and roam about the planet, weaving magic, confusion, and mystery into the lives of those still living, approaches, we wonder.   Why do we think about such things?  Why do we speculate on what might lay on the "other side"?  

    For many of us, Halloween is a night in which a new reality emerges, sometimes subtly, sometimes violently, always irruptive, always transforming, telling us, reminding us that our assumptions are not what we imagine them to be.  There is other, there is more.  There is a beyond, a somethingness which we might not otherwise see.
    Perhaps deceased spirits are wandering, wailing about their ignominy.  Perhaps.  Yet how could spirit be without spiritual presence?

    And how could spiritual presence be without light?

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