Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Sudan hospitals

     Those who follow international news are likely aware of the conflict currently roiling the nation of Sudan.  It's a debacle, really, a fight between two powerful generals to control the direction of the nation.  Some years in the making, and fueled in no small part by various other Western and Asian powers, this battle has brought immense pain to this impoverished nation.

    As in any war, the people who suffer the most are those who are not fighting:  the civilians.  Already burdened with the twin pillars of poor farm land and economic poverty, Sudan's civilians are caught in the crossfire of two egos, two military people who seem to see the world as a struggle between black and white and nothing more.

    Pray for Sudan.  Pray that its people will find relief from this fighting.  Pray that the generals will come to their senses and abandon this futile military posturing.  Life is more important than aggrandizing power.

    And liberty is not power but reason, point, and civility.

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