Monday, June 26, 2023

     According to some writers in the Western press, millions of people around the world were gripped by the news accounts of the search for the missing submersible "Titan" after it went missing.

    Maybe so.  As some commentators have remarked, however, why was not the world's attention equally focused on the plight of the hundreds of migrants from various parts of Africa and Asia who apparently drowned when their boat capsized in the Mediterranean Sea?

    Though the occupants of the "Titan" were wealthy and influential, they numbered five.  In contrast, the number of people, largely poor and forgotten refugees, who lost their lives in the Mediterranean was in the hundreds.  Various nations spent millions of dollars to look for the missing submersible; some European nations who could have helped rescue the migrants spent nothing.  They didn't even bother to try looking for survivors.

    How sad that wealth continues to be the line that divides professions of faith from acting on it.

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