Friday, October 13, 2023

     Are you familiar with the Russian band and performance art group Pussy Riot?  Pussy Riot gained international attention in February 2012 when some of its members entered a Russian Orthodox cathedral and performed songs parodying Vladimir Putin and what they considered to be his perverted relationship with church.  Although many roundly condemned Pussy Riot's actions--entering a sacred space and performing rock songs--its point was clear:  Putin, religion, and politics do not mix well.

7 women with bright colored clothes and multicolored knit ski masks over their faces. A woman at the center holds a guitar and one at the back holds a piece of red fabric.

    It's difficult to disagree.  Although three of the band's members were eventually arrested and two of them served time in labor camps in Siberia, they, and the band itself remain unrepentant.  Indeed, at the present moment the band is touring internationally, performing, continuing to speak out against Vladimir Putin and steadfastly promulgating their belief that he is twisting the Russian culture to suit his own political ambitions.  Given Putin's violent actions against political dissent, we should consider them to be extraordinarily brave women.

    We may condemn how Pussy Riot presents its message, but we should not dispute its essential underpinnings:  we cannot put God into a box of our own making.  He, and we, are more than that.

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