Tuesday, April 23, 2024


      Last night was the first night of Passover.  It is a solemn moment, yet one filled with rejoicing.  At its core, Passover is about the faithfulness of God.  It remembers how, many centuries past, God liberated the Hebrews from a four hundred year captivity in Egypt, delivering them, eventually, into the promised land.  For this reason, around the world, millions of Jewish families gathered for the seder meal, the meal whose various components point to  liberation.

    And what is liberation?  It is to be free.  Physical freedom, yes, but more significantly, spiritual freedom:  redemption.

    It is redemption that lies at the heart of Passover.  And in this is an object lesson for all of us.  Though we treasure physical freedom, unless we experience spiritual freedom as well, we are spinning our wheels:  we can win the world, but we cannot win ourselves.

    There is more to us than we think.

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