Tuesday, October 23, 2012

     One of the British rock band Led Zeppelin’s most famous songs, a song that stayed in the top hundred songs of all time for decades, is “Stairway to Heaven.”  In ethereal and mythological language, it weaves a story, a story in which lead singer Robert Plant talks of a lady who is looking for a word, a way, a means to meaning and, after following her in her journey, says, at the end, simply, that she is "buying a stairway to heaven."
     But would heaven be heaven if we had to pay for it?
     Not really.  And that's the beauty of it.  Heaven, that wonderful expectation of being in the presence and aura and landscape of someone whose very essence and being, spatiality and temporality magnified and stretched beyond present form and imagination, at once and continually, makes us feel complete, now and forever, is absolutely free.
     We need only believe in and embrace, in confident and abiding trust, the reality of the one who upholds it.

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