Friday, November 2, 2012

     As I contemplate the immense damage and heartache that Hurricane Sandy unleashed on the East Coast of the United States, I sometimes ask myself, given my post of yesterday, whether some of those whose lives Sandy turned upside down are asking about God.  Where is God in all of this?  What is he doing?
     There are no easy answers to this question.  I find myself returning, again and again to the fact of God's love, that despite God's seeming indifference to unmitigating pain, without God's love, I would really have nowhere to go, absolutely nowhere.  My life would just be me and our corporate pain, experienced, perhaps eventually overcome--love won--but, tragically, perched upon and washed away in a vast insouciant nothingness.
     Hence, as I weep over the suffering so many of us are enduring (and not just that left by Sandy, but suffering across the globe), I remind myself that even if I cannot feel or see the love of God, I believe in it.  I may not get answers.  But I can live with that, for I know that without God's love and presence, life--and our perceived meaning and purpose in it--has no real home.

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