Monday, November 19, 2012

     In his "Father and Son," singer Cat Stevens paints a dialogue between an aging, perhaps on the verge of dying father talking with his son, trying to pass on, despite his son's frustrations about the way he has spent his life listening to others and not having opportunity to find things for himself, some advice on living.  Does the son want to listen?  A little.  In the end, however, the father's advice goes essentially unheeded.  The son wants to wrestle with existence himself.
     As do we all.  Though we rightly respect our elders, those who have lived longer than we and, we hope, have accumulated the insight and wisdom which can only come with age, in the end, each of us must find his or her own way.  And the way we find will not be anyone else's.  How could it?
     "Rejoice, young person, during your childhood, and let your heart be pleasant during the days of young adulthood.  And follow the ways of your heart and the visions of your eyes . . ."  This verse from Ecclesiastes (11:9) is a celebration of human individuality.  It tells us that although we are to honor our parents, in the end, we must pursue our way, our special and unique way in which God is directing us, and to follow our vision, the vision to which we believe God is calling us, and only us.  We are not made nor designed to follow anyone's vision but, before God, our own.
     God has made each of us uniquely, and has unique plans for each of us.  Can you hear him calling?

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