Monday, January 21, 2013

     Are we infinite?  The protagonists of the movie "Perks of Being a Wallflower" certainly thought so.  And why not?  Poised to graduate from high school, standing before college, they envisioned life as an adventure never to end.  The world lay before them.
     We love possibility.  We love potential.  We love limitlessness.  We love to think that we are born to find the fullest picture of existence that we can possibly find.  And we are.  We are made to look for the greatest possible thing, innately programmed to seek the greatest more.  We are birthed to know and believe the world is always waiting for us to find it.
     And why not?  We live in the world of an inexhaustible and infinite God.  He conceived it, he created it, he sanctified it.  And he made us to enjoy it and its nearly boundless potential.
     Our nations (despite the glory of today's American presidential inauguration) have limits, but God does not.  So enjoy.  Be infinite.  Be infinitely in love with the infinite God.  He's boundless.  And consider--and in this is the greatest mystery of all--he was once bounded, too.  Like us.
     Open your heart to the mystery of an incarnate God.

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