Friday, January 18, 2013

     Are you forgiven?  All of us are need of forgiveness, be it from our spouse, siblings, friends, colleagues, associates, or, for some of us, the world, for any and all ways that we have wronged them.
     Perhaps one of the most difficult planes of forgiveness is in war.  Can those who are maimed, injured, or tortured forgive those who inflicted such things on them?  Can those whose lives or property have been destroyed by others forgive them?  Can the people of a nation which another has conquered forgive it?
     Moreover, even if we manage to forgive, can we ever forget?  Memories linger a long time, a very long time, and pain runs deep.
     Yet there's something about forgiving, about coming to terms, about reconciling, in some fashion, with the source of our pain that enables us to let go of it, not necessarily physically--some pain will never cease--but morally.  It affirms our humanness.  We have suffered in inhumane ways, yes, but we continue to believe we--and our tormentors--are human.  We continue to believe we, and everyone else, is worth our pain.
     Is this hard?  It surely is.  Just ask God.

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