Tuesday, May 7, 2013

     "The man is dead; what more do you want?"  So said, in the 1971 movie, Jesus, a Roman soldier to Zerah, one of the members of the Jewish Sanhedrin, in response to Zerah's request that in light of rumors that Jesus would rise again, a guard be placed at Jesus' tomb.  In other words, as the soldier saw it, Zerah and his compatriots had already accomplished their mission, which was to kill Jesus.  Why do they now want to guard his tomb?
     I might say much the same to those who are either criticizing the funeral home that is caring for the body of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the deceased Boston Marathon bomber, or the cemetery that "dares" provide a place for his body to be buried.  What do these people want?  Mr. Tsarnaev committed a horrible deed, yes, but now he is dead.  He will never harm anyone again.  And, believe it or not, he is as much a human being, a human being created in God's image, as anyone else on this planet, no different from or better than, in this regard, you and me.  He deserves to be treated with the dignity that comes with how he was made.  His actions do not negate the fact of his origins.
     Let the man be.  We are not his destiny.  That is the province of God.

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