Wednesday, May 29, 2013

     What's time?  Some would say that time actually doesn't exist, that we and our lives are no more than a collection of experiences that are unattached to anything else.  Others would say that although we cannot touch or feel time in the sense that we can touch or feel a tree, we are nonetheless "attached" to and live in a medium, of some sort, which we experience as "time."
     Who's right?  On the one hand, both.  We cannot prove the existence of "time" other than to say that we are creatures of passage.  On the other hand, if we say that we are creatures of passage, then we must also say that "passage" is real, and that, like it or not, we live in moments which, if they are not attached to anything beyond themselves, leave us still trying to explain exactly where and what we are.  Are we ghosts?  Are we phantoms?  Are we dreaming?  And how would we know?  (Did you see the movie Inception?)
     Time exists only because we and the world do.  And we only exist because there is something, some sort of, to employ the findings of Einstein's theory of relativity, space-time continuum that, somehow, is here.  In other words, we would not be here unless there was "something" in which we can be "here."  How can we, finite as we are, create the fact of time and passage?
     Real time affirms a real reality and, most important, a reality that although we create it perceptually, we will never be able to create materially.
     Where will you go?

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