Monday, September 1, 2014

     Ah, work!  Given a choice, many of us would not work, at least not at the job in which we are engaged currently.  Moreover, even if we genuinely enjoyed our job, we would not mind terribly if we woke up one day and learned that we no longer had to do it.  If we did not need to insert ourselves into a tiresome world of competition, supervision, and activity simply to earn a living and pay our bills, we would probably not.  Ask anyone who has retired!
     On the other hand, because when God set Adam into the Garden, he instructed him to work, to till and cultivate the land before him, we, too, work.  To work is to be human, and to be human is to work.  Working enables us to discover ourselves.  It challenges, engages us, fills us.  Working gives us a more complete grasp of who we are in our world.
     So why do so many of us dislike working?  Unfortunately, once Adam and Eve plunged the world into a state of entropy and disrepair, the existential meaningfulness of everything their descendants (you and me) would do would not be as a meaningful as it was originally intended to be.  Though humanity continues to work, we do not find it to be as meaningful as it could be.  It never completely satisfies.
     On the other hand, because God is there, whatever we do in the marketplace has a point.  God created it, God endowed it with meaning.  However we may feel about our job, by doing it, we, believe it or not, become more human.  We come closer to becoming whom we are created to be:  beings who are finding themselves, beings who are contributing to the common history of humanity, beings who are eloquently and passionately using and communicating what they have been given to further the greater good of us all.  Because God is there, work has purpose.  And we all benefit.
     Thanks for working.

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