Wednesday, September 24, 2014

     Perhaps you read about it.  Last week, a father in Florida, for reasons perhaps only he knows, killed his daughter and her six children (his grandchildren), along with himself.  It was a tragedy of unbearable proportion.  Worse, the daughter had for years been living on the edge of existence, having one baby after another, living on food stamps, eking out a life on hinterlands of conventional society.  Her father had struggled with various issues for years.  Their demise was the painful end of already painful lives.
     When I read about such things, I ache.  It's a beautiful world, but it's a broken world, populated by broken people, who too frequently do deeply broken things.  Senselessness runs rampant, and capriciousness reigns.  It's hard to know where to turn.  Even God seems silent at times.
     Those of us who believe will pray.  Those who do not will not.  Either way, we look for some way to make sense, if there is any to be made, of such suffering, some way to find a place for it in our categories of mind and heart.  Either way, we may not get ready answers.  God or not, we may never know why, we may never know reason.  We may be able to explain the "how" of such events with science or religion, but neither science nor religion always knows why. 
     Faith is believing, even in a dark world.  In truth, however, faith means little unless there is more than just this bewildering world, unless, when we set everything before us, there is God.

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