Thursday, January 15, 2015

     Anyone who has been a students knows about tests.  And almost everyone who has been a student knows about standardized tests.  Everyone knows that sometimes much depends on these tests.  Indeed, sometimes these tests determine the course of one's life.
     This makes, rightly, many of us cringe.  The world is more than a calculation.
     Moreover, as any teacher will tell us, tests rarely give the full picture of who a student is. Like anyone else, students are more than intellectual machines.  Like anyone else, students are incredibly complicated and interesting human beings.  They deserve more than tests to demonstrate who they are.
     As do the rest of us.  Like God does for us, we can look at our fellow humans in a vastly rich way.  There's always more than what we see, always more than what we hear, and we do ourselves, and our fellow beings, a disservice when we forget this.  Let's open the windows of our humanity.
     Let's walk through the door of the fullness of human possibility and realize that, as God told the prophet Isaiah centuries ago, "Behold, I am making all things new."
     We are always more to find.

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