Wednesday, January 14, 2015

     As the colder climes of the northern hemisphere drift deeper into winter, and many people dig further into their brumal hibernations, I like to look at the bigger picture: seasons come, and seasons go, and we are grateful.  Be it sun, snow, fog, wind, or rain, we rightly marvel at the remarkable expressions of the planet on which we live.  We find ourselves astonished at the diversity of meteorological event, the incredible breadth and nuances of the weather.  Though we may not always like them, we can be amazed by it. We can be amazed that we live in a world so full of form yet so full of surprise.
     Even in temperatures well below zero, the geese continue to fly, and the birds continue to feed.  Even, on occasion, the squirrels emerge.  The earth still breathes, the sky still sparkles.  And the lakes still jostles with their ice.  All is well.  Climate change or not, all is well.  It's a good world.
     Light continues to shine, a light of truth, a light of hope and way, illuminating, pervading, calling, enlightening.  So it was in the beginning, so it will always be.  God has not abandoned what he has made.
     Nor does he forget what he continues to create, and re-create, every day.  After all, many years ago, he himself lived it.

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