Thursday, December 3, 2015

     Although we can argue about Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's motives or timing for pledging to give away %99 of his Facebook stock, we ought not to impugn their implications and effects.  Zuckerberg and Chan may not be familiar with the verses from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians which I shared a few days ago, but they certainly embodied and expressed its spirit:  to give far more than the 10% of one's income that many people of religion assume they are obligated to give.
     It makes sense, culturally, spiritually, and politically, to give, and to give much.  If everything we have and own is a gift from God, and we have had no say in enabling our presence in the world, we have no call to withhold what we have from our fellow human beings.  We did not come into our lives or possessions by accident.  The world is purposeful, and so are we.  We must take care of ourselves, yes, but as British poet John Donne pointed out many centuries ago, "No man [or woman] is an island."
     Because God created the world, we all have a point.  We all can participate and share in the bounty of the earth we are privileged to inhabit.  Indeed, did not God, in Jesus, give all of himself for us?

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