Thursday, May 5, 2016

     Today, May 5th, is Cinco de Mayo.  Although it is not Mexican Independence Day (traditionally celebrated on September 16), it is nonetheless a day to remember:  Mexico's 1862 liberation from the oppressive machinations of French occupation.  A stronghold of economic and political might before the Europeans arrived on its shores, Mexico spent several subsequent centuries toiling under the weight of various foreign nations who, unfortunately, viewed Mexico primarily as a land to be exploited for their own use. Independence was too long in coming.
     It's an all too familiar story:  imperialistic Westerners marginalizing and abusing the rest of the world.  Thankfully, much of this is over.  Many issues, however, remain.  Much of Mexico, as well as many of its southern neighbors, continue looking to establish their way and place in the world.  Happily, they are now free to do so.
     Though freedom can be complicated, we must always remind ourselves that despite its complexities, freedom to be, whatever we become, is preferable to never finding freedom at all.  God wants all of us to be free.  He wants us to find economic freedom, he wants us to find political freedom.
     Most of all, however, as Jesus tells us in the gospel of John, God most wants us to find the freedom of truth, the freedom of the truth that sets us truly free:  the freedom we find in trusting in his great love for us all.

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