Monday, February 6, 2017

     Well, it's over:  Super Bowl 51.  Although I didn't watch it all the way through (except for Lady Gaga's spectacular halftime show), I must say that it certainly provided some excitment for those watching it (unless he or she is an Atlanta Falcons' fan!).
RESTRICTED 13 super bowl 51 halftime     Evidence continues to grow, of course, for the prevalence of CTE in professional football players.  To the avid football fan, however, this doesn't matter too much.  The game exceeds all of its shortcomings and flaws.
Photo by Robert Deutsch-USA TODAY Sports

     Although I'm happy for those who enjoyed watching the game and the entertainment it brings, I always stop and think:  here we are, fat and happy, focusing our time and money watching a spectacle about which too many of our brethren in the developing world could care less.  They are more concerned with where they will find their next meal.  Or where they will spend the night.
     In his second letter to the church at Corinth,, Paul observes that, God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work."
     While we can certainly enjoy, appreciate, and be thankful for what we have, we must also realize that, when we give generously from it, God will ensure that we will always have enough.  We will meet our needs.
     And maybe we will have what we want.

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